repos / pico

pico services -,,,,
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Eric Bower
2023-08-19 15:59:55 +0000 UTC
docs(pgs): marketing copy
2 files changed,  +41, -8
M pgs/html/
+25, -2
 1@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@
 2     </ul>
 3   </section>
 5-  <section id="blog-ssh-key">
 6+  <section id="ssh-key">
 7     <h2 class="text-xl">
 8-      <a href="#blog-ssh-key" rel="nofollow noopener">#</a>
 9+      <a href="#ssh-key" rel="nofollow noopener">#</a>
10       Generating a new SSH key
11     </h2>
12     <p>
13@@ -58,7 +58,30 @@
14       <a href="#cli-commands" rel="nofollow noopener">#</a>
15       CLI Commands
16     </h2>
17+    <p>
18+      Our CLI commands are currently in active development so the list of available commands are changing.
19+    </p>
20+    <p>The best way to learn about all the commands we support is via an SSH command:</p>
21     <pre>ssh {{.Site.Domain}} help</pre>
22+    <p>
23+      Having said that, we do want to demonstrate the power of {{.Site.Domain}} by discussing design goals.
24+      All of our SSH commands are safe-by-default.  Meaning, they never mutate server state by default.
25+      This provides users an opportunity to experiment with our commands to see how they work.  In order to
26+      actually trigger server mutations, every command must be appended with <code>--write</code>.
27+    </p>
28+    <p>
29+      Further, we want to make sure users are able to manage their static sites exclusively from SSH commands.
30+      Below is list of features we support via SSH commands:
31+    </p>
32+    <ul>
33+      <li>Storage usage stats: <code>ssh <user>@{{.Site.Domain}} stats</code></li>
34+      <li>List all projects (and their links): <code>ssh <user>@{{.Site.Domain}} ls</code></li>
35+      <li>List all project dependencies: <code>ssh <user>@{{.Site.Domain}} depends project-x</code></li>
36+      <li>Link a project: <code>ssh <user>@{{.Site.Domain}} link project-x project-y</code></li>
37+      <li>Unlink a project: <code>ssh <user>@{{.Site.Domain}} unlink project-x</code></li>
38+      <li>Delete a project (and all assets): <code>ssh <user>@{{.Site.Domain}} rm project-x</code></li>
39+      <li>Delete all projects matching a prefix (except projects that have linked projects): <code>ssh <user>@{{.Site.Domain}} prune prefix</code></li>
40+    </ul>
41   </section>
43   <section id="file-types">
M pgs/html/
+16, -6
 1@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 2 {{template "base" .}}
 4-{{define "title"}}{{.Site.Domain}} -- a static website hosting service for hackers.{{end}}
 5+{{define "title"}}{{.Site.Domain}} -- A zero-dependency static site hosting service for hackers.{{end}}
 7 {{define "meta"}}
 8 <meta name="description" content="A zero-dependency static site hosting service for hackers." />
 9@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
10     <ul>
11       <li>The site you are reading right now</li>
12       <li><a href="">git web viewer</a></li>
13+      <li><a href="">neovimcraft</a></li>
14     </ul>
15   </section>
17@@ -52,10 +53,10 @@
18     <ul>
19       <li>Terminal workflow</li>
20       <li>No client-side installation required to fully manage static sites</li>
21-      <li>Distinct static sites as "projects"</li>
22+      <li>Distinct static sites as <code>projects</code></li>
23       <li>Unlimited projects created on-the-fly (no need to create a project first)</li>
24-      <li>Deploy via <code>scp -r * erock@{{.Site.Domain}}:/myproject</code></li>
25-      <li>Symbolic linking from one project to another (to support promotions/rollbacks)</li>
26+      <li>Deploy via <code>scp -r ./public/* erock@{{.Site.Domain}}:/myproject</code></li>
27+      <li>Promotion/rollback support (via symbolic linking from one project to another)</li>
28       <li>Managed HTTPS for all projects (e.g. https://erock-myproject.{{.Site.Domain}})</li>
29       <li>Custom domains for projects (managed simply by `TXT` records)</li>
30       <li>1GB max storage</li>
31@@ -109,7 +110,8 @@
32   <section>
33     <h2 class="text-lg font-bold">Project promotion and rollbacks</h2>
34     <p>
35-      Additionally you can setup a pipeline for promotion and rollbacks.
36+      Additionally you can setup a pipeline for promotion and rollbacks,
37+      which will instantly update your project.
38     </p>
39     <pre>ssh {{.Site.Domain}} link project-prod project-d0131d4</pre>
40     <p>
41@@ -122,12 +124,19 @@
42       to <code>project-d0131d4</code>. Want to rollback a release?
43       Just change the link for <code>project-prod</code> to a previous project.
44     </p>
45+    <p>
46+      We also built a <a href="">github action</a>
47+      that handles all the logic for uploading to {{.Site.Domain}}.
48+      <a href="">Here's an example of it in action</a>.
49+    </p>
50   </section>
52   <section>
53     <h2 class="text-lg font-bold">Philosophy</h2>
54     <p>
55       Creating a static website should be as simple as copying files from a local folder to a server.
56+      We also believe in creating limited but feature-rich products without the user needing to install
57+      anything on their computer.
58     </p>
59     <p>Read more about team pico's philosophy <a href="">here</a>.</p>
60   </section>
61@@ -135,7 +144,8 @@
62   <section>
63     <h2 class="text-lg font-bold">Roadmap</h2>
64     <ol>
65-      <li>Not sure</li>
66+      <li>Should we charge customers for more storage?</li>
67+      <li>Github integration (e.g. post comment on PR with preview site)</li>
68     </ol>
69   </section>
70 </main>